Congratulations to our Bursary Students who have worked very hard and are creating endless possibilities in their careers with the help of Ligbron e-Learning management.


Nodida matriculated from Camden Combined School and with the help of Ligbron e-Learning management he got a bursary from the Department of Education, he was offered a place at a University in Russia to study Medicine. Nodiba is in his final year of studies and will finish in June 2022

He was determined to improve as his dream was to become a doctor but he was struggling with Maths and Science. In 2014 Nodida benefitted from Ligbron e-Learning System which had been installed at his school

My marks improved drastically thanks to Ligbron e-Learning. It profoundly influenced my education and ensured that I am where I am today. I am very thankful to Ligbron and to their sponsors for giving children this opportunity. It enriches the lives of children who would have been lost in the system. Students need good results in Maths and Science to get a proper education for a better future


Amandla matriculated from Ligbron e-Learning and with the help of Ligbron e-Learning management he got a bursary from STA Coal and he is studying at Sefako Makgatho Health Sciences University for the Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery degree program 

Amandla is in his first year of studies. Amandla appreciates Ligbron’s e-Learning management for assisting him in getting a bursary


Lodewikus matriculated from Komatipoort Akademie and with the help of Ligbron e-Learning
management he got a bursary from STA Coal and he is studying at North-West University for Chemical Engineering. Lodewikus is in his first year of studies

Ligbron’s e-Learning has contributed to his success and he is grateful for the knowledge he gained from Ligbron e-Learning


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